The Auburn Emerging Leaders Program is an intensive, immersive experience with a multifaith, cross-cultural, and diverse cohort of emerging leaders. Held within the rhythms of prayer/reflection, walk-and-talks, creativity and connection, the program will explore a deep-to-deep methodology that encourages and invites authenticity and challenge alongside care and respect for our “others.” We will explore reconciliation with ourselves, our communities, and how to reach out beyond our communities.
Overall Emerging Leaders program goals. Auburn is committed to:
October 14-18, 2024 in Washington D.C. We will begin at 6 pm EDT on the 14th, and finish on the 18th before noon. The afternoon of the 18th will be reserved for your return home.
All costs (program, travel within the U.S., lodging, and meals during the program) for those selected to participate in this cohort will be paid for by Auburn Theological Seminary.
Objectives. Through participation in the Emerging Leaders Program, participants will:
Anyone between the ages of 18 and 35 may apply for selection into this cohort.
We seek a broadly diverse group of faith-formed and faith-curious individuals who are committed to engaging across a broad range of differences (religious, political, societal, and other); acquiring approaches, skills, and habits that support deep-to-deep conversation across difference and conflict transformation, drawing on the wisdom of our faith traditions; and applying the methodologies in their leadership contexts after the program.
Complete the application form to reflect your interests and experience.
Applications are due by August 1; selected applicants will be notified by September 1.
This selective program aims to compose a diverse and committed cohort.